Get On Institute

Enrollment Form - Emerging Technologies
Step 1 of 2

Terms & Conditions

  • The offer and acceptance of a place at Get On Institute is made on the understanding that you undertake to observe the terms and conditions of the Course. These cover, among other things, payment of fees, attendance at theory & Hans-on experience classes, student discipline, complaints procedure, freedom of speech, and equal opportunities policies.

  • You are required to have a minimum of 80% attendance in all weekly and weekend sessions. You are also required to complete all the tasks and operational hands-on activities allocated to you. Failure to adhere to this will result in not benefiting fully from the course and your chances of securing employment.

  • The Institute will make every endeavor to deliver courses as described in the prospectus. However, changes may be necessary at times.

  • The fee will not be refunded after acceptance of the course.

  • Failure to adhere to the payment plan will result in access to our IT and training infrastructure being blocked.

  • By proceeding with this form, you agree to consent to the GDPR regulations and give your consent to receive updates on the course, future marketing and promotional materials by electronic means. If any part of the terms and conditions is not clear to you, please contact Get On Administration Team. Then complete this application form.

  • After you have submitted this form, you will receive a confirmation email. This will confirm the terms and conditions of the course you have agreed to above and our bank details. In order to secure your place on your chosen course, you are required to make a payment of £500.

  • The remaining fee (minus £500) should be paid in 3 instalments by standing order within 3 months from the start of the course. You will also receive a payment agreement detailing the payment terms agreed upon soon after securing your place in the course.strong>